First time using the openAI API for a personal project. I’d like to bring one of my old blogs back to live. It was hosted using PhpWiki and I have all ~400 posts as a backup as plain wiki text files with some metadata. I could write a custom handcrafted script that translates from the wiki format to markdown for the new blog setup, but why not use this opportunity and let an LLM do the work?
Nice things I could do along the way: Let the LLM create a short description and tags for each post and rewrite links to a new format.
Fun fact: I asked chatGPT to write the boilerplate for the script for me that should do the conversion. It got it right for the most part, just hallucinated a bit about its own openAI API spec 😅.
Here’s a helper to set up the client:
require("dotenv/config");const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai");const OpenAI = require("openai");
const { OPENAI_API_KEY } = process.env;
const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY,});
module.exports = openai;
Here’s the actual script including the prompt. I started with CONCURRENCY_LIMIT=10
but rate limiting kicked in pretty quickly.
const fs = require("fs-extra");const path = require("path");const async = require("async");
const openai = require("./lib/openai_client");
const CONCURRENCY_LIMIT = 2; // Adjust this based on your rate limit
async function convertPhpWikiToMarkdown(inputText) { try { const response = await{ messages: [ { content: `You are a REST API for converting text files with metadata.You will receive PhpWiki export files. You answer purely with markdown documents without additional conversational text or formatting.
- Convert the PhpWiki export file you receive including metadata to markdown.- Convert the PhpWiki metadata to markdown front matter.
Metadata conversion mapping:- pagename -> title (translate the encoded pagename to a human readable blog title without date in quotes)- Date -> publishDate (format as YYYY-MM-dd without quotes)
Text processing:- Infer a plain text front matter description field from the content of the PhpWiki text.- The description field value must be in double quotes and suitable for a SEO optimized description HTML meta tag.- Infer a front matter tags field with up to 3 high level categorical tags as a JSON array from the content of the PhpWiki text. The tags should be lower case kebab-case.- The actual content starts after "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary". Keep the original text and language, never translate to another language.
PhpWiki Syntax conversion hints for the original text:- Convert PhpWiki links in the format [text|url] or [text | url] to Markdown's [text](url).- If the url of a PhpWiki link is relative and does not contain http or https, then kebab-case the url and prefix it with /wiki/- Convert image links starting with to just /images/- Convert links in the form of [CamelCaseWord] to [Camel Case Word](/wiki/camel-case-word)- Convert words that are CamelCase formatted to [Camel Case](/wiki/camel-case)`, role: "system", }, { content: inputText, role: "user", }, ], model: "gpt-4o", });
// Define the pattern to match the starting and ending markdown tags const pattern = /^```markdown\s([\s\S]*?)\s```$/;
// Use replace method to remove the matched parts return response.choices[0].message.content.trim().replace(pattern, "$1"); } catch (error) { console.error("Error during conversion:", error); return null; }}
async function processFile(file, inputDir, outputDir) { try { const filePath = path.join(inputDir, file); const fileContents = await fs.readFile(filePath, "utf-8");
// Takes the original file name (which was just the PhpWiki page title) // and converts it to something like ``. const outputFileEls = file.split("%2F"); const outputFileName = `${outputFileEls[1]}-${outputFileEls[2].split(" ").join("-").toLowerCase()}.md`; const outputFilePath = path.join(outputDir, outputFileName);
// Check if the output file already exists if (await fs.pathExists(outputFilePath)) { console.log(`Output file for ${file} already exists. Skipping conversion.`); return; }
const markdown = await convertPhpWikiToMarkdown(fileContents);
if (markdown) { await fs.outputFile(outputFilePath, markdown); console.log(`Converted ${file} to markdown.`); } else { console.log(`Failed to convert ${file}.`); } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error processing file ${file}:`, error); }}
async function processFiles(inputDir, outputDir) { try { const files = await fs.readdir(inputDir);
const queue = async.queue(async (file, callback) => { await processFile(file, inputDir, outputDir); callback(); }, CONCURRENCY_LIMIT);
await queue.drain(); console.log("All files have been processed."); } catch (error) { console.error("Error processing files:", error); }}
const inputDir = path.join(__dirname, "input");const outputDir = path.join(__dirname, "output");
processFiles(inputDir, outputDir);
It took some tweaking but the script worked and the conversion is done! It took ~30 minutes and cost ~$5.
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