cw4 curated web development links & thoughts
/ 1 min read
Last week I started a sort of weekly curated links’n’thoughts series. Here we go again.
Continued to investigate vert.x, but still had no time to give it a go myself. Here’s a nice stackoverflow thread including vert.x and similar projects. Offers three answers with the original developers of each framework in discussion kicking in. stackoverflow is so good and so bad in so many ways (see ‚closed as primarily opinion-based‘ in the thread).
More things worth mentioning:
- offers free private repositories (including gitlab’s nice interface of course)
- The Tether positioning engine and related tools, including Shepherd, looks like a great framework to create inline tutorials and how-tos
- Not really encountered this week, but gotta mention it here: Since a few years I use Freckle, my time tracking tool of choice. Not only a great tool, but a great little company behind it worth supporting.
- Can’t wait for the ElasticSearch v1.0 release, here’s a good roundup of upcoming awesome stuff.
Hari Om Tat Sat.