cw3 curated web development links & thoughts
/ 2 min read
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Since I auto-post my bookmarks into a private pinboard account, I thought I’d restart this blogging endeavour with some curated links’n’thoughts.
I’d say is my finding of the week. Can’t wait to try it out, it sounds too good to be true:
Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that’s designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications. […] Write your application components in Java, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Python or Groovy or mix and match several programming languages in a single app.
Web Components et al
There’s so much fuzz in JavaScript land all the time. Here’s what I think (at the moment):
- Keep it simple.
- Angular is interesting and promising. But I try to avoid behemoth frameworks. While it’s great what it can do, it feels overdesigned and complex, sorry.
- I nearly fell in love with ReactJS. It’s awesome and fast. But I can’t help it, their JSX approach feels so much like the 90ies PHP spaghetteria that we all tried to avoid.
- I have no hands-on experience with Polymer. While it smells a little behemoth, it might be the way to go (Standards, baby!)
- So I try to avoid the large frameworks. Instead I focus on code/dependency management and modular, lean programming patterns. Here are my personal preferences (at the moment):
- Git for code versioning (+ GitLab)
- Bower for dependency management
- RequireJS to modularize your code
- As a pattern for coding modules I mostly stick to Mike Bostock’s Towards Reusable Charts. He developed it originally as a pattern to do charts/infovis, but I pretty much use it for everything. I think that pattern is a perfect fit for RequireJS.
That’s it.