For the new year I got a new MacBook Pro. Here’s the obligatory setup log I used.
system updates & package manager
- 1Password (password manager)
- Affinity Photo 2 (photoshop alternative)
- Claude for Desktop (LLM)
- CleanShot X (screenshot management)
- Controller for HomeKit (homekit manager)
- Final Cut Pro & Compressor (video editing & encoding)
- Franz (messaging)
- GoG (games)
- Grand Perspective (file system analysis)
- Kap (screencasts with GIF support)
- Microsoft Office (don’t @ me)
- Orion (kagi’s webkit browser)
- Rectangle Pro (window management)
- Reeder (rss reader)
- Steam (more games!)
- SourceTree (git ui)
- make
default terminal - preferences ->
- general -> window
- unselect “native full screen windows”
- select “close windows when closing an app”
- appearance ->
- windows
- select “hide scrollbars”
- tabs
- unselect “show tab bar in fullscreen”
- dimming
- unselect all dimming
- windows
- profiles ->
- window
- transparency: 20
- style: full screen
- screen: main screen
- advanced
- semantic history -> open with editor … -> VS Code
- window
- natural text editing
- general -> window
Use the new font in iTerm2: Preferences -> Profile -> Text -> Font: font-hack-nerd-font.
Oh My Zsh Plugins
Add it to FPATH
in your .zshrc
by adding the following line before source "$ZSH/"
Then add the plugin to the list of plugins for Oh My Zsh to load (inside ~/.zshrc
vs code extensions
- Astro
- Better Comments
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- ESLint
- GitHub Copilot
- GitHub Copilot Chat
- GitLens - Git supercharged
- Headwind
- Highlight Matching Tag
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Pretty TypeScript Errors
- TODO Highlight
Inspired by
tmux reference
- Horizontal Split: Prefix, then %.
- Vertical Split: Prefix followed by “.
- Detach: To detach from the tmux session without terminating it, press Prefix then d.
- To reattach, use:
Config file ~/.tmux.conf
dotfiles with chezmoi
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