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  • Reading of the week: The Failures of „Intro to TDD“. Especially for developing and testing interfaces, IMHO good TDD is still a real challenge. The article is definitely a good read.
  • Facebook’s Origami cries for further investigation. Based on Quartz Composer it aims to be your UX design tool of choice. They used it for their new Paper app.
  • — nice reference if you’re developing library stuff where you should think twice about bringing in fat dependencies.
  • Twitter did a nice job visualizing the State of the Union adress
  • Twitter again, see hogan.js, a compiler for Mustache templates!
  • is great in so many ways (design, technology etc.)! There’s only one point I see which might be a little bit problematic: I’m not sure if I even get it right, but as far as I understand it (without deeply investigating the underpinnings), it seems, the visualization is representing a certain point of time, but is still animating it (mapping speed vectors to lines we perceive as moving). I’m afraid this could lead to a bit of irritation or misunderstanding in perception or interpretation. What do you think? — BTW be sure to try out ocean mode, so great! Update #1: Seems the data doesn’t consist of single vectors but indeed multiple timely spaced records. Update #2: Feedback from @cambecc: